Starting from October 2020, 15 Early Stage Researchers (ESR) will begin their doctoral studies in the frame of CCIMC project.
15 students from all over the world will work in parallel during three years in a multidisciplinary and trans-sectorial research environment including fundamental and technical approaches. The CCIMC project aims at pushing the frontiers of knowledge in ligand design, coordination chemistry, precatalyst development, catalyst recovery and catalytic process implementation, while also offering full scale training in professional and personal transferable skills.
These three years ahead will be a learning experience that will broaden their research field and personal interest. During their thesis, each ESR will share their time in two different institutions and spend a secondment period in the industrial sector. This international program will contribute to the development of their technical know-hows but also foster team working, collaboration and innovation.
The 15 ESRs will start their training with an online Core Course of two weeks (initially planned in Warsaw). This event will be the opportunity to make the doctoral students acquainted with the Network overall organisation, but also bring the basic theoretical content and more advanced knowledge needed to tackle their research project. These two weeks will provide scientific training in coordination chemistry and catalysis but also transferable skills that are considered essential at the beginning of the thesis for both knowledge transfer and personal development.