
Core course

This 2-week training event is planned for month 7 of the project au UW (Warsaw). The programme of this event will comprise:

  • Basic scientific topics: coordination chemistry, homogeneous catalytic processes, solid-supported and fluid biphasic catalysis, computational investigations of catalytic cycles, generation and catalytic use of nanoparticles, photochemistry/photocatalysis.
  • Special topics: olefin metathesis, asymmetric hydrogenation, hydroaminomethy­lation, hydroelementation, hydroformylation, use of scCO2 as solvent, CO2 as a building block, examples of homogeneous catalysis in biomass conversion.
  • Soft skills training: chemical risks and prevention measures, scientific misconduct, rights and duties of researchers, intellectual property rights, knowledge transfer, ethics, gender issues, bibliographic software, scientific writing, time management, networking and team building, outreach communication skills.

Tutorial 1 – Advanced characterization

This is a three-day programme planned for Month 19 at UoY (York, UK).

Scientific training programme:

  • In_operando characterization using diffractometric and spectroscopic techniques.
  • Mass spectrometric analyses.
  • Advanced NMR methods.

Plus additional soft skills training in:

  • Project management.
  • Proposal writing.

Tutorial 2 – Industrialization

This is a three-day programme planned for Month 31 at IFPEN (Lyon, FR).

Scientific training programme:

  • Production upscaling, pilot plants.
  • Strengths and weaknesses of technology options, online process monitoring.

Plus additional soft skills training in:

  • Spin-off creation, Entrepreneurship, Business model.
  • Cost analysis, Marketing
  • Career management
  • Leadership

Intrernational School – Innovations in Homogeneous and Supported Homogeneous Catalysis

This will be an open event, planned for 4 days during Month 37 of the project at UoB (Bucharest, RO). It will showcase the results obtained within the CCIMC network and thus transfer the acquired know-how to a broader student population. Besides the CCIMC EJD scientists, invited external scientists will also deliver training.